May 2005


Diary Entry #11: CoFactors gets some pickup

Feeding the Beast: Blogging Outside the Box

Diary Entry #10: JF articulates pros + cons of full-text RSS feeds vs. summaries.

You Know You’re in the Meatpacking District…

… when, at 9:30 am, you are practically run over by 5 guys, dressed to the nines in suits and ties wobbling over the cobblestones on 5 shiny new, coordinated (not matching, coordinated) Vespas. As if this weren’t odd enough, it turns out that these 5 Uneasy Riders were actually the Queer Eye guys. […]

Six Degrees of SIParation

CoFactors toys with Amazon’s Statistically Improbable Phrases and uncovers the Papist conspiracy behind low-carb dieting

Amazon Discordance?

CoFactors considers an element of the “Search Inside this Book” feature on